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“School Inclusion Model (SIM) – In school Therapy Project” formally known as the Demonstration Project has recommenced support in our school. As part of this project, a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) and Occupational Therapist (OT) will work in partnership with our school in identifying areas of strengths and needs, and building teacher and school capacity across the continuum of support framework.


This may involve

  1. Supporting teachers and enhancing their confidence and skills to identify educational needs, to interpret professional report recommendations and to implement interventions and supports withing the educational setting to meet those students’ needs.

  2. Giving advice on supports or changes to the school environment, e.g. creating an inclusive and communication friendly environment, e.g. creating an inclusive and  communication friendly environment that reduces barriers and facilitates active engagement and meaningful participation in school life for all students.

  3. Providing training and information to teachers and parents, e.g. running bespoke trainings to specific staff groups.

  4. Supporting the development of all students’ skills at a whole school level, e.g. modelling or coaching with a teacher during a narrative intervention group.

  5. Making links with local health services, e.g. building teacher capacity in making referrals.

  6. Communicating with parents, e.g. meetings, information sessions, leaflets sent home, etc.




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Our Lady of Hope School

Armagh Road, Crumlin, Dublin  D12 V6RK


Roll Number: 20555K  |  Charity Number 20206506

© 2024 Our Lady of Hope School

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