The Junior Cycle Level 1 Learning Programme is made up of six Priority Learning Units (PLUs) which explicitly identify and develop the key areas of learning needed to prepare the students for their future lives. The six PLUs are as follows:
Communication, Language and Literacy
Personal care and Wellbeing
Being part of a Community
The Arts
Physical Education.
The Level 2 Learning Programme is designed to meet the specific needs of students within the range of general learning disabilities. The learning programmes are built around five Priority Learning Units (PLUs) and a variety of school designed short courses. The five PLUs are as follows:
Communicating and Literacy
Personal care
Living in a community
Preparing for working life.
Both Level 1 and Level 2 Learning Programmes focus on learning over a three year period. Students assemble evidence of their learning in a portfolio. Students submit their portfolio of work to gain accreditation for PLUs completed as part of the Junior Cycle programme. Students will receive their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) in recognition of their achievement of the programme.
For more information on the complete syllabus please see: